Saturday, 18 November 2017

Crystal Reports Bursting – Helpful for Increasing Efficiency?

Bursting? Let’s look at what is meant by Crystal Reports bursting or simply “Report Bursting”. From the explanation, it will be plain to see how bursting PDFs will improve your office efficiency and reduce costs to improve profit. The benefits? “Hard benefits” – the ones you will see (like expense reduction) , and “Soft benefits” - those will be only be visible when your office systems improve (like improved systems allow employees more free time).

PDF Explode
Report Bursting (sometimes referred to as Document Bursting) is a feature that runs a report only once yet delivers only selected output  (for example: each page) to different  nominated Users of the report based on pre-configured rules. This report processing method greatly reduces electronic processing load and as well as manual human effort while still ensuring data security. We use the speed of the computer to sort, collate and deliver by email individual or multiple pages as separate PDF without any human intervention once you click PRINT in your report or accounting program.

Report Bursting also increases speed /timeliness of delivery. For example, in the case of say 1000 monthly statements, one ‘report bursting’ run will “burst” or “explode” or “split” into 1000 pages, and each user receives a partial report containing one or more pages depending on similar email destination, with only the information pertaining to them. Each user thus receives a report personalized with information they require or relevant to them. This report will output in PDF format and delivered as an attachment by email or via other delivery methods.

PDF-eXPLODE adds more to the basic report bursting functionality - like outgoing PDF password security, it permits additional attachments in either PDF or Doc or XLS format, can sort and place the outgoing PDFs into specific folders on any drive, any connected server, and much more other features to improve how you manage your documentation. Efficiency shouldn’t be seen only from one facet.

What makes this process faster and simpler?

PDF-eXPLODE is not “JUST” another electronic document delivery tool. Indeed, it is far ahead of other document delivery products in features, ease of use and the stability of the software means it is relatively bug-free. And the after-sales software support is second to none. That will give you the confidence and peace of mind when your Invoicing is processed each week or month.

PDF Explode, the document distribution tool’s introduction into the office business processes will save time and improve office efficiency since the employees would have a versatile and efficient tool which allows them more time to do other office tasks as the report generation and delivery process in most cases will take less than half the time it currently takes to do. Invoice generation, pay stub delivery and other document delivery jobs, the expenditure of time and resources would automatically reduce.

Some features include:
  • 3-Step install wizard for quick installation of the PDF-eXPLODE tool.
  • Automatic and manual process settings.
  • Data security and protection.
  • PDF document bursting and email delivery in minutes.
  • Multiple attachments permitted to each emailing.
  • Customized email messaging options.
  • Dynamic generation of multiple documents.
  • & more…
Crystal Reports Bursting
Endless visual comparisons of various crystal reports bursting tool only lead to an inconclusive situation. A practical test of automated document delivery tools makes more sense than a description-based analysis. You should try the PDF-eXPLODE tool available online. No, it’s not priced at all! You can easily download the FREE 45-Day trial version and test its features, benefits, and all our claims.

Come on, do it now! Why take our word for it? Try the 45-day FREE Trial Version yourself! Click here:

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

How Report Distribution has evolved from ‘Slow’ to ‘Smart’!

Report distribution?

Remember that stunned or sometimes, scornful and agitated look on the person’s face who was asked to do it ?

After all, some of the employees are already trying to "juggle" so many everyday tasks.

Times have changed and so have the technologies. When the world of automation took over, nobody felt the transformation would be so gigantic and overwhelming. But now, people are acquainted with cloud computing, wireless connections and more!

Report generation is so important to business today; there are Invoices, Statements and payment advices that need to be "pushed" out of the door as fast as possible to generate that all important ingredient - "cash flow". Yes, in business parlance, "Cash is King". Report generation is literally top of the list of jobs to do, for many account departments each day. For example, imagine 1000s of pages of report preparation, which includes document printing, sorting, collating, enveloping and finally delivering to the post office to reach their respective recipients several days later (in some cases, never; lost mail was a common complaint). Isn’t it astonishing how so much valuable time and resources were wasted, especially when the postal mail never arrived at its destination! In some offices, even today, employees are called upon to be receptionist, do data input processing, then sort and mail printed invoices, also manage document filing. Yes the list of office chores goes on… and to think some businesses today, still choose to process in this way. Many though have switched to emailing...BUT, are they just adopting a variation by sending one invoice at a time by email? Is their current process smarter than the old method? Probably not!

Slow, sluggish or lethargic – whichever adjective you choose, would best describe the old style (and some modified "new" methods) of report generation which results in many additional office tasks (like printing, mailing and filing). Though that was a necessity when upscale innovations weren't so commonplace in the past; however there’s no  reason why it still has go on.

What's The Answer?

In a word 

It will produce automatic splitting of PDF report document, based on pre-configured rules and sending it to selected recipients.

Any Crystal report generated by printing to the PDFeXPLODE printer will send thousands of monthly statements, invoices and more to their generation via email without any form of human intervention. Best of all, you can optionally choose to give each outgoing Invoice or statement a specific file name before attaching  it to your email template as well as save it to your hard drive in some specific archive folder of your choice. Yes, the following are some benefits:
  • One-click PDF batch email delivery of individual attachments.
  • Reduced manual labor and electronic processes.
  • No requirement of printing, postage, and delivery, so no costs on that.
  • Savings on time and resources.
Businesses need to rejuvenate themselves. In PDF-eXPLODE processing, you have at least one significant improvement to your business.  Certainly, this automated document burster tool enables them to do so. 

The automated PDF-eXPLODE tool stunned the world with its dynamic entry. And there are strong reasons for it. Obviously, people welcomed this PDF report distribution tool with open arms. Needless to say, PDF-eXPLODE gave a much-needed boost to businesses and offices.

How can you turn 'SLOW' to 'SMART'?

We know captions are delightful, but can you be sure they are true to the core? Here’s why you know.  Today, PDF-eXPLODE is used by over 1000 Users in 26 countries around the globe. That is CONFIDENCE for you.

Why take our word for it? Well, try the 45-day FREE Trial Version yourself! Click here: