Thursday, 20 July 2017

Don’t Sulk When You Have The “Bulk” Email Invoicing System!

Actually, this system does more than that.

Businesses, as usual, have a “lot” to do and that’s why processes need to be simplified.

Be it the sending of emails for marketing campaign or billing invoices – the work is paramount and there’s no sight of relief unless an automated system is up for help.

Email Invoicing

If these weren’t enough, glitches at the workplace would add more burden.

Obviously, you don’t want your business to suffer from these not-so-small issues. Which is why it is necessary to have an Email invoicing system that makes it simple and easy.

Whether it’s employees’ payslip, vendor remittances or customer invoicing, this automated system allows the “bulk” to reduce in a few quick minutes.

PDF-eXPLODE brings the best document delivery tool that not only minimizes wastage of time and money, but also incorporates much-needed efficiency for your business.

Document Delivery

The top features of this tool include:

A built-in HTML editor that helps you design pleasing emails using fonts, styles, headers, etc.

PDF document bursting and bulk emailing of complex emails in a short period of time.

A fax server support system that offers the options of fax-friendly Email format.

Drag-and-drop PDF files to send in emails.

And much more!

Now, being doubtful about this tool is an apparent thing.

However, you can cast all your doubts away once you download the 45-day FREE trial.

Indeed, this offer is a lucrative one – First, no need to pay for trying it. Second – you will know how much effective it is for your business.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Batch Invoicing: Troubling Magnanimities or Flowy Simpletons?

The prevalent nomenclatural findings would only lead to disappointment.

Yes, disappointment. At least for those who don’t understand even a bit of it.

If you do invoicing, then listen up… Else, never mind.

To all those who are worried that this one’s a new concept – slash it down completely. It’s an old one, just trying out eccentricities in the best way possible. Well, some got better and some ended up with the bad thing.

Batch Invoicing

Invoices can be sent in batches, you know it. That’s why it’s called batch invoicing and claims to resolve your time, money and fortune problems.

Clearly, the websites that have stocked adjective-filled praises for their respective automated tools for invoicing isn’t supposed to give any delightful experience to the customers.

What you need?

Client: A compatible tool for the business software installed in office. Not a complicated one that literally demands thousands of installations before and after it. And please, no hardware tensions, okay!

What do you expect?

Client: Something that doesn’t need a hassle for generating the PDF statement for clients. Something that manages to do auto invoice delivery without having to click 100 print buttons on the user window.

Try these…

The PDF-eXPLODE tool is a worthy trial of 45-days. Additional 6-days support!

Direct answer to your search for automated document delivery system, no spinning of lies.

At least, you will have an experience of how the automated system works and you’d set a standard for the next search (that you may not need).