Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Time Is Equal To Productivity And More…


You must be wondering about the old adage – Time is equal to money.
Image from Freepik
In today’s world, Time is not always equal to money, especially considering the stress it imposes on work-life balance. But, why then do we call ‘time is equal to productivity’?

For Example…
We have a PDF-eXPLODE user in Perth, Western Australia who had to send 9 different reports sorted by 100 clients, then combined as individual multi-page PDFs, each specific to the client, and finally emailed to the clients each month. It took more than an entire day each month for one person to send them.

Imagine an entire day! The day could have been better used to communicate with clients, discuss ideas and strategies, reaching out to potential customers, eating a burger, and what not.

Unfortunately, a simple document delivery consumed a whole day. 

A Tool for Change
However, an automated tool changed their way of sending emails. Indeed, the PDF-eXPLODE tool that has done wonders for various business offices around the world did for them too. The tool allowed them to combine the 9 reports into one, then separate into 100 different pieces for the respective recipients sorted by destination email address. All it took was 1 hour delivered. Yes, one hour done and dusted, WITHOUT ANY employee handling!

Not only did it bring efficiency to the business system but also improved the work life of the person who would be otherwise dreading the job-in-waiting every month.

We have clients across 26 countries that have had similar experiences in terms of improving productivity, efficiency, savings, and more.

With the help of auto invoice delivery, you save yourself from the manual effort of printing, sorting, collating, and sending it to the different clients in different countries. As a result, you save a lot. Both time and money. 

We DARE you to give it a TRY!

A 100% FREE TRIAL for 45-Days is available here:

A Stroll down the Electronic Park Way

What has UBER or OLA got in common with PDF-eXPLODE?

That statement alone must have raised quite a few eyebrows. Most folks know that Uber and Ola are ‘for-hire’ private Taxi hiring services delivering people to destinations. But the true secret of Uber and Ola is in the “app” you use that is location-based and smartly designed to allow the user to hire an on-demand private driver easily. Yes, Uber delivers people to their destinations and its app based bookings has made your journey more pleasant. 

PDF-eXPLODE, on the other hand, is a very smart app that delivers your documents to your customers very fast, saving a heap of time and money. Why wouldn’t you consider this electronic document delivery app to make your business life easier? 

Angela Meharg of, TORONTO, Canada, a Business Report writing consultant and expert, had this to say about PDF-eXPLODE

"As a sixteen year Crystal Reports specialist and veteran, I am thrilled with PDF-eXPLODE. It is one of the most clever applications I have encountered, for small and medium sized businesses. It is saving two of my customers HOURS and HOURS of time every month…”

How do Smartphones fit into your daily business and family life?

Quite some time has passed since the introduction of Smartphones in the world.

However, not everyone is adept at it, though they may appear to be. What is the real change that it has brought into people’s  lives? Is it only for engaging the users with enchanting photos or entertaining videos?  Or, does it take virtual chatting to any higher-level of conversation?

Apparently not. Smartphones may not have “transformed” the world to the extent some people imagine, but it has made life somewhat simple.
For example: 
If you want to get a take-out dinner delivered or you need to purchase something online, you open an appropriate ‘ordering’ app on your phone and book online. Booking an Ola or Uber cab, for instance, takes a fraction of a second on the app. So, yes, Smartphones do play a big part.

We could cite a number of other examples where a Smartphone can do more for you than just selfies and videos. In your day-to-day business life, apps should play a part too. An electronic document delivery app like PDF-eXPLODE doesn’t just give you bulk email invoicing or document delivery; you can also add:
  • intelligent archiving (hard disk storage of the PDFs sent)
  • password security to your delivered PDF files
  • create attractive email content, and
  • boost your business efficiency 
Why wouldn’t you want to simplify your business life and add more ‘family’ time into your work-life balance with the time you save on office processes? You can when you convert those manual, semi-manual systems or upgrade your inefficient electronic delivery apps to PDF-eXPLODE and see it make a difference. This is what one PDF-eXPLODE user has to say:

Craig Moniz, Financial Systems Analyst, SAGE Publishing, CA, USA    

"PDF-eXPLODE has significantly improved the Vendor remittance process. It has reduced mailing costs and increased efficiencies. We highly recommend the use of PDF-eXPLODE, based on our experience with the product…”

The Solution..
PDF-eXPLODE can handle large volumes of monthly invoicing delivery- some users handle Invoices or Statements of up to 35,000 a month. What’s the capacity of your current method for delivering invoices or customer statements? 100? 1000? or more?

Does it perform that operation in a few seconds or literally takes a day? Of course, when you buy a document delivery tool, you have a multitude of expectations. If the tool isn’t efficient enough in bulk invoice emailing, then the only possible reason you are holding on to it is, that it must be doing something great on other fronts - does it? 

Does it significantly create more leisure time in your otherwise busy day? Is it “powerful” enough to split and deliver complex documents without wheezing or choking?

If you have found satisfying or even nearly satisfying answers to the questions above, then we have nothing to say. But, if you feel the answers you “want” do not match the results you come across from your current automated tool, we might have something to offer. Oh yes! You don’t have to pay for it until you are fully satisfied and purchase it. 

Download the 45-Day FREE Trial Version of PDF-eXPLODE tool to experience the efficiency it brings to your business. In addition, you will enjoy 6 days a week support from our team. We believe it’s more than a decent offer, which shouldn’t be ignored.

Connect to on your phone, in the car or on the train, and click on the TRY NOW button and receive an email link in minutes, which you can download at the office. 

Give it a try!

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Crystal Reports Bursting – Helpful for Increasing Efficiency?

Bursting? Let’s look at what is meant by Crystal Reports bursting or simply “Report Bursting”. From the explanation, it will be plain to see how bursting PDFs will improve your office efficiency and reduce costs to improve profit. The benefits? “Hard benefits” – the ones you will see (like expense reduction) , and “Soft benefits” - those will be only be visible when your office systems improve (like improved systems allow employees more free time).

PDF Explode
Report Bursting (sometimes referred to as Document Bursting) is a feature that runs a report only once yet delivers only selected output  (for example: each page) to different  nominated Users of the report based on pre-configured rules. This report processing method greatly reduces electronic processing load and as well as manual human effort while still ensuring data security. We use the speed of the computer to sort, collate and deliver by email individual or multiple pages as separate PDF without any human intervention once you click PRINT in your report or accounting program.

Report Bursting also increases speed /timeliness of delivery. For example, in the case of say 1000 monthly statements, one ‘report bursting’ run will “burst” or “explode” or “split” into 1000 pages, and each user receives a partial report containing one or more pages depending on similar email destination, with only the information pertaining to them. Each user thus receives a report personalized with information they require or relevant to them. This report will output in PDF format and delivered as an attachment by email or via other delivery methods.

PDF-eXPLODE adds more to the basic report bursting functionality - like outgoing PDF password security, it permits additional attachments in either PDF or Doc or XLS format, can sort and place the outgoing PDFs into specific folders on any drive, any connected server, and much more other features to improve how you manage your documentation. Efficiency shouldn’t be seen only from one facet.

What makes this process faster and simpler?

PDF-eXPLODE is not “JUST” another electronic document delivery tool. Indeed, it is far ahead of other document delivery products in features, ease of use and the stability of the software means it is relatively bug-free. And the after-sales software support is second to none. That will give you the confidence and peace of mind when your Invoicing is processed each week or month.

PDF Explode, the document distribution tool’s introduction into the office business processes will save time and improve office efficiency since the employees would have a versatile and efficient tool which allows them more time to do other office tasks as the report generation and delivery process in most cases will take less than half the time it currently takes to do. Invoice generation, pay stub delivery and other document delivery jobs, the expenditure of time and resources would automatically reduce.

Some features include:
  • 3-Step install wizard for quick installation of the PDF-eXPLODE tool.
  • Automatic and manual process settings.
  • Data security and protection.
  • PDF document bursting and email delivery in minutes.
  • Multiple attachments permitted to each emailing.
  • Customized email messaging options.
  • Dynamic generation of multiple documents.
  • & more…
Crystal Reports Bursting
Endless visual comparisons of various crystal reports bursting tool only lead to an inconclusive situation. A practical test of automated document delivery tools makes more sense than a description-based analysis. You should try the PDF-eXPLODE tool available online. No, it’s not priced at all! You can easily download the FREE 45-Day trial version and test its features, benefits, and all our claims.

Come on, do it now! Why take our word for it? Try the 45-day FREE Trial Version yourself! Click here:

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

How Report Distribution has evolved from ‘Slow’ to ‘Smart’!

Report distribution?

Remember that stunned or sometimes, scornful and agitated look on the person’s face who was asked to do it ?

After all, some of the employees are already trying to "juggle" so many everyday tasks.

Times have changed and so have the technologies. When the world of automation took over, nobody felt the transformation would be so gigantic and overwhelming. But now, people are acquainted with cloud computing, wireless connections and more!

Report generation is so important to business today; there are Invoices, Statements and payment advices that need to be "pushed" out of the door as fast as possible to generate that all important ingredient - "cash flow". Yes, in business parlance, "Cash is King". Report generation is literally top of the list of jobs to do, for many account departments each day. For example, imagine 1000s of pages of report preparation, which includes document printing, sorting, collating, enveloping and finally delivering to the post office to reach their respective recipients several days later (in some cases, never; lost mail was a common complaint). Isn’t it astonishing how so much valuable time and resources were wasted, especially when the postal mail never arrived at its destination! In some offices, even today, employees are called upon to be receptionist, do data input processing, then sort and mail printed invoices, also manage document filing. Yes the list of office chores goes on… and to think some businesses today, still choose to process in this way. Many though have switched to emailing...BUT, are they just adopting a variation by sending one invoice at a time by email? Is their current process smarter than the old method? Probably not!

Slow, sluggish or lethargic – whichever adjective you choose, would best describe the old style (and some modified "new" methods) of report generation which results in many additional office tasks (like printing, mailing and filing). Though that was a necessity when upscale innovations weren't so commonplace in the past; however there’s no  reason why it still has go on.

What's The Answer?

In a word 

It will produce automatic splitting of PDF report document, based on pre-configured rules and sending it to selected recipients.

Any Crystal report generated by printing to the PDFeXPLODE printer will send thousands of monthly statements, invoices and more to their generation via email without any form of human intervention. Best of all, you can optionally choose to give each outgoing Invoice or statement a specific file name before attaching  it to your email template as well as save it to your hard drive in some specific archive folder of your choice. Yes, the following are some benefits:
  • One-click PDF batch email delivery of individual attachments.
  • Reduced manual labor and electronic processes.
  • No requirement of printing, postage, and delivery, so no costs on that.
  • Savings on time and resources.
Businesses need to rejuvenate themselves. In PDF-eXPLODE processing, you have at least one significant improvement to your business.  Certainly, this automated document burster tool enables them to do so. 

The automated PDF-eXPLODE tool stunned the world with its dynamic entry. And there are strong reasons for it. Obviously, people welcomed this PDF report distribution tool with open arms. Needless to say, PDF-eXPLODE gave a much-needed boost to businesses and offices.

How can you turn 'SLOW' to 'SMART'?

We know captions are delightful, but can you be sure they are true to the core? Here’s why you know.  Today, PDF-eXPLODE is used by over 1000 Users in 26 countries around the globe. That is CONFIDENCE for you.

Why take our word for it? Well, try the 45-day FREE Trial Version yourself! Click here:



Monday, 23 October 2017

Introducing the Paperless Office of the Future ...

GO Paperless, yes that’s the way of the future.

The paperless office was a slogan, intended to describe the office of the future. The concept of 'paperless', focuses on reducing paper consumption. This in turn will save trees as well as reduce your carbon footprint 👇. You will see your net profits surge and your business efficiencies increase overall.

Each day the media is full of news articles about global climate change, trees being cut, natural calamities, measures to prevent hostile environments, reducing carbon footprint and so on. People are still coming to grips with the concept of "cutting down less trees to save the environment". Businesses are the biggest consumers of paper and also paper wastage, and need to be encouraged to reduce paper consumption and wastage. And YOU as an employee and citizen of the world should actively participate in educating business owners about the benefits of "going paperless".

Traditional offices had a practice of using paper-based filing systems, which included cabinets, shelves, folders, etc.  These required maintenance, space and several resources as well. That aside, document processing took huge amount of time in printing, sorting, collating and delivering to the recipients. Result – too much manual labor, large overhead costs, reduced efficiency and profitability.

Luckily, some businesses are now turning smart in their approach to managing document delivery through electronic delivery, where 'Emails' is the most popular mode. However, that comes with a disadvantage. Sending individual emails would still require ample time and sometimes, it becomes tedious and time-consuming sending emails one at a time to customers. Hence, efficiency continues to remain down and no significant results are found amidst a chaotic business process.

Let's walk through some of the steps necessary to migrate the current manual process to an automated solution. Most businesses use electronic software to manage their business accounts. A lot of accounting software use popular report writers for creating/printing the Invoice, Monthly Statements, Remittance Advices (and the like) reports. These reports in most cases, are easily modifiable. Enter PDF-eXPLODE... your ticket to automating your report delivery.

PDF-eXPLODE offers a bulk invoice Emailing software solution that adds a lot of benefits  for a business. 

  • First of all, you will print to the PDFeXPLODE printer that creates a PDF electronic copy of your report(s) for each individual client, thereby eliminating the paper trail.
  • Next, PDF-eXPLODE has the built-in ability to flexibly name your PDF electronic file to something meaningful - like Invoice or Document No.
  • Then, it can smartly save a copy of each report (Invoice, statement, Remittance advice,etc.) into various different hard disk folders that you configure to make finding them later, very easy. This will improve office productivity each time a copy is required for a customer.

Users don’t need to be computer geeks or IT experts, to be able to install or operate this software as it is simple to use and the after-sales support (when you can't figure it out)  is second to none: fast, efficient with amazingly fast turnaround responses. 

Email invoicing in a few minutes, sets an impeccable record of efficiency and improvement. Obviously, it saves a valuable amount of time spent in document processing, improves cash flows and boosts profitability for the business.

We are passionate about our flagship product PDF-eXPLODE and we can praise it to the sky and back... but ultimately, it is you, who is going to judge this tool. 

Use it and judge for yourself! 

Start by downloading the 45-day FREE Trial Version online at, install and configure it in 30 mins as directed on the download screen; and get to know it first hand. 


Come on, just try it! It’s time to go PAPERLESS and watch your office productivity soar!



👆 The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

e-Document Delivery Stories: Is Your Work-Life Balance Mismatched?

Those red eyes and dark circles 😎 around the eyes should remind you what is wrong with your life.

Stress and exhaustion could be a result of the prolonged effects of overworking. Several companies have been wary about it and are setting up wellness centers on their office premises.

Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself - what actually has gone wrong in the first place?

You just can’t ignore effective business processes; yes, it is these specific areas where automation should be used to improve processing times of monotonous jobs and improve overall office efficiencies.

In today’s office, no Invoices, Payments, Remittance advices or pay stubs should be manually processed or even printed, then sorted, collated and then delivered by postal services – that just isn’t smart. Are you aware that the collective cost of paper, envelopes, printer inks and postage average around the equivalent of one United States dollar in most countries? So if you send out an average of 200 Invoices each month, that is a whopping USD$200 per month or $2400 per annum in overhead costs! What about the wasted and unnecessary man-hours, making the entire process inefficient and costly. Undoubtedly, the foregoing provides plenty of reasons for ensuring a stable Work-Life balance.

Every problem has a solution

The software companies did what they do best. They listened to the concerns raised by these companies and came up with an automated tool that simplifies document delivery through batch invoicing in a matter of seconds or minutes. Go straight to the source of the BEST software solution - PDF-eXPLODE from It will DEFINITELY improve your business life with faster, automated processing of any document delivery and subsequent filing of these reports on your hard drive (aka 'archiving').

PDF-eXPLODE is a simple, easy to use yet robust automation tool that truly complements the way businesses function. Since the tool has the capability of seamlessly integrating with Microsoft Dynamics, MRI, PeopleSoft, MS Access, and various other office softwares in addition to reporting tools like Crystal Reports, Cognos, MS Access Report Writer, R & R Report Writer, MS Sequel Reporting Services, there is no issue of compatibility at all. Besides, the technique of auto invoice delivery has revolutionized the method of document processing.

Faster Email invoicing, document delivery, archival and retrieval, and professionalism on all fronts, enable a business with great energy to perform.

If you want to change your business’ fortune by improving cash flows and reducing overhead costs, then the inexpensive PDF-eXPLODE tool is the ultimate choice for you!

Still, can’t believe? Well, you can try the 45-day FREE Trial Version by yourself and we’re sure you will change your opinion! 😁


Thursday, 21 September 2017

How The Sending Of Timely Reports To Clients Increases Your Credibility?

To be honest, clients are demanding ‘on-time’ document delivery.

If you’re someone who has made a promise to the client and have not fulfilled it, you know it’s your fault. Obviously, you don’t want them to get upset and therefore, you would seek the best ways to win their trust, again.

As a business, which needs to generate thousands of reports for respective clients in different regions of the globe, you need a tool that helps. Preferably, an automated tool instead of a part-timer who does the task manually.

Who is your client?

You are a mid-size to large organization with a  reasonable number of different departments and staffing levels.  Marketing & Sales Departments are seeking sales reports and Customer debt outstandings from Finance department. Sales and Marketing are internal clients of Finance. At the same time, all customers purchasing company goods are external customers and they need to be serviced with on-time reports too. So your clients can extend beyond those traditional organizational ‘Debtors’.

How does sending a report on-time increase my credibility?

As highlighted before, you know that a client has certain expectations. They may or may not have a certain need for the report, but getting it at the right time fulfills their expectations. And yes, a crystal report with ZERO MISTAKES is what they seek.

The PDF-eXPLODE Tool is an excellent document delivery tool that simplifies your tasks.  Remember, you have to send the reports in the most accurate format and timely too. If you persist with hand-mailing the report via the postal service, you must understand that errors and delays are bound to occur. On the other hand, PDF-eXPLODE combines the latest techniques of bursting crystal reports in a fraction of the time.

You know you’re wasting your time and money in generating reports manually. PDF-eXPLODE will augment and enhance your business process like it has never been done before.

The benefits of this tool include:
  • Quick and efficient document delivery.
  • Saving costs and time.
  • Generation of accurate reports.
  • Customized report delivery.
  • Bulk invoice generation.
  • & many more.

Visit to find our surprising offers!

Friday, 15 September 2017

Invoice Processing and Delivery Got Tardy and the Rest Follows Suit…

Did your office procedures result in a significant effect on your bottom line?

Investment for the sake of investment isn’t a good idea. People know it. Businesses know it. But, they fail to acknowledge it.

If you are still clinging to archaic office processes like printing invoices, pay stubs, pay slips, and multitudes of other documents and then manually sorting them into various envelopes for postal delivery? Imagine the stationary, printer ink, and postal charges – they all add up over a year to a significant cost impact on your net profit. What if one of this paraphernalia isn’t available? It only means – Delay. Yes, the delay is because the absence of printing ink wouldn’t help even if there are high-quality or premium papers are present in the office.

Auto Invoice Delivery

Alternatively, you are processing all documents one by one via email sent from your accounting or business software – very basic and in many cases, these back office software do not keep an archive copy of the outgoing report. Shame really, when the alternative to both of these outdated procedures is at the cutting edge of technology – PDF-eXPLODE DOCUMENT BURSTER TOOL!

If your business hasn’t switched to automated document delivery, now is the right time. Since auto invoice delivery not only saves you time as it does not duplicate processes and uses the power of the PC to sort and send via email.

What kind of document delivery to look for?

The one that is compatible with your business software. The one that efficiently does your auto invoicing job. The one that augments your business. In short, it is the PDF-eXPLODE tool that you need.

Why? Just check the following:
Document Bursting
  • You can send 1000 monthly statements in a mere 1-2 hours using this automation tool, which, otherwise, would have taken 2 BUSINESS DAYS through hand-mailing!
  • Create a Master PDF document and use the document bursting tool feature to send it to multiple clients, according to the customized rules.
  • Save up to 40-50% by sending emails instead of printing, sorting, collating, posting, etc.
  • Last, but not the least, a FREE 45 day Trial can be downloaded, giving you the freedom to test “drive” in the comfort of your office with FREE help thrown in from Monday to Saturday by the team at PDF-eXPLODE’s office. Still, need something more? Just email us at

Thursday, 7 September 2017



Crystal Reports Bursting

Surprise yourself how easy it is to burst and bulk email any Crystal Report with PDF-eXPLODE.

Crystal Reports is the leading Database report writer in the world. It is literally used by thousands of companies to independently extract data from their database. It is also adopted by many software developers as a quicker solution to creating reports for their accounting software that they sell to business.

PDF-eXPLODE is one of the most versatile and easily adaptable PDF bursting software tool around. It easily integrates into any software – back office accounting or reporting.  So obviously PDF-eXPLODE is an ideal product to work in tandem with Crystal Reports as it can automatically deliver (at the click of the PRINT button), any Crystal Report being run. It combines the exploding (aka document bursting) and emailing functionality that Crystal currently lacks and it does it with the greatest of simplicity.

How does it Work? 

PDF-eXPLODE will definitely enhance your report delivery whilst saving you heaps of time and money. If you need convincing, read what these current Users have to say about PDF-eXPLODE.

"As a sixteen year Crystal Reports specialist and veteran, I am thrilled with PDF-eXPLODE. It is one of the cleverest applications I've encountered for small and medium sized businesses. It is saving two of my customers HOURS AND HOURS of time every month - and the support is superior. Prompt responses to emails and questions, and a tireless search for the best solution to any problem we may have encountered. Do not hesitate to buy and use PDF-eXPLODE."

"By combining the functionality of Crystal Reports with PDF-eXPLODE, we are now able to create and distribute hundreds of individual reports in under 15 minutes, a process that took us days in the past. PDF-eXPLODE saves us $700 a month. and we’re able to generate more revenue because my staff can focus on their core goals. Buying PDF-eXPLODE was a no-brainer"

"Our company installs rents and maintains indoor plants and planters in offices and each month send out about 1200 invoices. We produce our invoices using Crystal Reports and the Vision accounting package. In the past we would print and mail out 1200 invoices. The invoices are now either emailed direct, or faxed through a faxing company all using PDF-eXPLODE. Estimated saving per month in time and direct costs is about $1000.00. The support provided by 3000AD SYSTEMS has been first class. They setup PDF-eXPLODE to fit in with the way we work."

Start your FREE TRIAL Today...  

visit us at: